
Four pairs of eyes to see; four pairs of ears to hear; four pairs of hands to make and hold; four minds to imagine and create.

We are four women who love to work together, yet synchronising four lives can be so tricky. As the seasons change and the thread stretches further between us, we hold on; noticing, remembering, imagining, being with each other in our thoughts and waiting for our next opportunity to work in the flow of each other’s trusted company again.

Four of us and one whispering Seam.


Our tools waiting for us. Bodies at Rest, 2015. Dorm One of The Rosina Building, The Abbotsford Convent.

Our tools waiting for us. Bodies at Rest, 2015. Dorm One of The Rosina Building, The Abbotsford Convent.


The Letter String Quartet. Moody shape shifters, harmonic tantalisers, totally bloody amazing musicians making full body art from horse hair and trees. It was our absolute privilege to be asked to be part of their 2015 Sonic Series. Their moving, improvised sounds, all scratchy and strained, transformed a short film created for the performances from our most recent work, Bodies At Rest. And the performances still linger with us. Incredible. The fine company of film makers and video artists was pretty special. Thank you, TSLQ.

See/hear/feel them play if you ever get a chance. 

Bodies At Rest, by The SEAM. Photo by Beth Wilkinson, 2015

Bodies At Rest, by The SEAM. Photo by Beth Wilkinson, 2015