A trip to Kyneton
On closer inspection
Oh Hobart how we have fallen in love with you! After spending a beautifully crisp but sunny week down in Hobart for MONA’s DARK MOFO festival our love affair is in full bloom. One of us was lucky enough to participate in Motel Dreaming (part of the DARK MOFO festival) which involved a sleepover at a reinvigorated 50s hotel opposite MONA. The night was full of dreamlike experiences, delicious food, slightly unsettling performances and a hot rod trip to MONA till midnight. This dream provoking night led into the main festival where we ate, drank, shivered, danced and marvelled over Hobart’s magical setting.
Look what she found!
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Mardi The Keeper of Images trawled through the labyrinth of files that was hiding some of our residency photos. She finally found the ones we were looking for.
A camera was passed around, four pairs of eyes capturing moments. We hadn't seen each others photo's yet, so finding them again is like remembering a strange shared dream.
They are currently tacked up on a white wall, being chopped and arranged and creating new landscapes and insights to work on. Here are a few summer moments to share with you while we cut and paste in the flesh.

Kyoto, and the careful pairing of things
Flash back a fortnight...ugh, how quickly travel becomes a memory. Intimacy permeated Kyoto, that's what stayed with me. Structures imitating nature, green matter as flourishes on buildings, cloth strung from entrances, smoke wandering from public prayer spaces. Atmosphere, physical and emotional, created by the pairing of something ephemeral, transient, with that which is solid, majestic, enduring. nik
A day at the dairy
Japanese Green
SEAMies, here's a little reduction of a few days in Kyoto, before Tom and I headed north-west to Kinosaki, and then south to Arima and Kobe. Having recently spent the summer in the arid north-west of Victoria, Japan was so strangely green and mountainous I had to force myself to lower the camera. Such layering of shades. When the rain fell it fell in sheets. Vibrant and quiet. Nikita x